2024 Battle of Crysler Farm battlefield re-enactment

battle of crysler's farm british fighters
Despite being seriously outnumbered, the British, colonial and indigenous forces defeated the American invaders on November 11, 1813, at the Battle of Crysler’s Farm.  The Battle of Crysler’s Farm re-enactment, held every two years provides an opportunity to witness the type of warfare faced by combatants.  In this photo, re-enactors portraying British forces are seen marching through the clouds of smoke from American guns.


SDG COUNTIES, Ontario - The Friends of the Crysler Farm Battlefield are pleased to announce that the 2024 Battle of Crysler's Farm re-enactment will be held on the weekend of July 6 and 7 at the Battlefield Memorial Park adjacent to Upper Canada Village. A sincere thank you is extended to SDG Tourism and the St. Lawrence Parks Commission for their sponsorship of this event.

The Battle of Crysler’s Farm was fought on Nov. 11, 1813, and resulted in the invading American forces being defeated by the combined forces of British, colonial, and indigenous allies, despite the victors having significant lesser numbers of combatants.

The event will feature educational displays from other local historical groups, a dress up booth, the Battlefield Memorial Building will be open and scheduled narrated tours of the encampment areas.  There will be a sutlers (merchants) encampment, as well as a military encampment for people to visit and learn about life in the early 19th Century. 

Other events include the opportunity to have the experience of firing a period cannon at a cost of $80 per group of 4.  Dr. Greg Baran will be back at the re-enactment this year and will be portraying a period (military field) surgeon with an amputation demonstration and information in regards to 1812 era medical practices.  There are plans for a blacksmith to be on-site during the two-day re-enactment to provide information on this aspect of life in the early 1800s.

Prior to the early afternoon battle, a children’s muster is planned which has proved to be an entertaining time for participants and observers.  This is followed by a well-planned battle between the opposing forces accompanied by a military historian providing commentary. The battles will be held in the early afternoon, with re-enactors portraying aspects of battle, with the children’s muster held just prior to the re-enactment battle.

More information can be obtained by contacting the Friends of the Crysler Farm Battlefield through its website at www.cryslersfarm.com