2023-2026 SDG Counties Strategic Plan finalized

County Administration Building

SDG COUNTIES, Ontario – SDG Counties council has put the finishing touches to its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, which brings with it a number of priorities councillors have identified for this term.

Specifically, SDG Counties council has placed fiscal responsibility as the lens through which it will make decisions during this term. Councillors have identified six key areas for specific attention this term, including:

  • Guiding principles
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Advocacy and Governance
  • Branding
  • Green Living
  • Measuring and reporting

Strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts are a hallmark of this plan as SDG Counties creates a system of mutual support and growth, amplifying the collective impact of regional initiatives.

“Our strategic plan emphasizes the significance of strengthening regional partnerships and collaboration,” said Warden Tony Fraser. “By working together with neighboring municipalities and organizations, we can pool resources, reduce duplication, and enhance the effectiveness of the services we provide to our residents.

“Likewise, advocacy and governance will be the foundation from which we represent the interests of our communities, and we will diligently work towards cementing branding protocols to showcase the unique identity of SDG Counties.”

The strategic plan process began earlier this year, with a full-day session where members of SDG Counties council and staff reviewed strengths as well as opportunities that were the foundation to adopt this strategic plan and the priorities listed within it.

The entire plan can be viewed, and/or downloaded, at the link below:

2023-2026 SDG Counties Strategic Plan